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Learn how to understand, prepare, and protect yourself from the risks of Covid-19.


The novel coronavirus is a unique event in our lifetimes. But, similar events have happened in the past with lessons to be learned.


In The World After Covid-19 you will apply these lessons to:

• Understand the threat the novel coronavirus presents to people

• Safely navigate the world to reduce your chance of being infected

• Manage the risks of future outbreaks


Creating a plan to take the necessary precautions to safeguard you and your loved ones.


Many misconceptions surround the novel coronavirus.


• How severe of an illness it is (definitely worse than the flu)

• How Herd Immunity works

• Antibodies and the protection they may or may not provide


Knowledge of these misconceptions is critical for taking part in the debates on the appropriate steps to mitigate the risks of future outbreaks.

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Learn How Your Student Loan Repayments Can be Minimized


Lenders and servicers of student loans communicate basic truths in an overly complicated fashion and are not obligated to help you understand the real cost of your borrowings.

Escape Student Loan Debt will empower you to understand their communications and preserve your rights.

You will walk through developing a strategy to optimize the repayment of your loans and learn how to minimize your repayments. An introduction is provided to the variety of federal and private loan programs available to reduce or eliminate your student loan debt. If you are facing financial hardships the book covers some options for discharging student loans and getting back on track.

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Learn What Your Expected Payoff From Earning a College Degree Will be

Information on the value and true cost of pursuing a college education can be difficult to find and interpret. Because no one is incentivized to provide it.

Avoid the Trap assists potential students with determining the expected return on investment from pursuing a college degree. While outlining a framework they can use to evaluate their post high school options.

An overview is provided on the formula colleges use to determine tuition, how they determine expected financial contribution, and strategies that can be deployed to maximize the value of aid packages.

A variety of checklists and links to tools are included as well. To help with identifying and tracking all of the factors that should inform students decision on this important matter.